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Stock Investor Place Financial News Archive

 Stock Investor Place Financial News: September 2007 Archive
U.S. Economy Expanded 3.8 Percent in Second Quarter - [9/27]
Canadian National to buy EJ&E - [9/27]
Vonage's Prospects Dim - [9/27]
Buffett Said to Consider Bear Stake - [9/27]
Facebook networking talks with Microsoft may value site at $10bn - [9/26]
Chevron to Buy Back - [9/26]
Wall Street Cheers GM's Labor Deal, Awaits Details - [9/26]
Amazon.com begins offering digital music download service - [9/26]
Microsoft Said to Consider a Stake in Facebook - [9/25]
More firms focus on climate change - [9/25]
Lowe’s Tempers Its Profit Forecast - [9/25]
Nuclear Utilities Redefine One Word to Bulldoze for New Plants - [9/25]
Oil down as Gulf of Mexico production restarts ease supply jitters - [9/24]
BHP's shareholders strike gold - in the paper - [9/24]
Auto workers set strike deadline in talks with GM - [9/24]
Credit crunch 'hits world growth' - [9/24]
Fortis details $18.4 billion share issue - [9/21]
Texas Instruments Boosts Buyback - [9/21]
Mattel Apologizes to China for Product Recalls - [9/21]
Shell to begin $7-billion refinery expansion in Texas - [9/21]
Carlyle Group Sells Stake to Abu Dhabi - [9/20]
SAP Aims to Ride Smaller-Business Wave - [9/20]
FedEx net up, but outlook cut due to U.S. economy - [9/20]
Intel targets smaller mobile machines - [9/20]
Google offers unified approach to interactive ads - [9/19]
Allergan to buy Esprit Pharma - [9/19]
Subprime Borrowers to Lose Homes at Record Pace as Rates Rise - [9/19]
Morgan Stanley profit falls 17% after credit squeeze - [9/19]
Lehman posts better-than-expected 3Q - [9/18]
August foreclosures zoom - [9/18]
Yahoo will purchase Zimbra - [9/18]
Standard Chartered Buys American Express Bank - [9/18]
Deutsche Telekom to buy SunCom Wireless for $1.6 billion - [9/17]
Nokia to buy mobile advertising firm Enpocket - [9/17]
Newell Rubbermaid raises Q3 outlook - [9/17]
Asia set to weather storm as U.S. economy slows - [9/17]
G.M. Workers Return as Talks Sour - [9/17]
Merrill Says Fair Value Adjustments Made for Subprime - [9/14]
Goldman fund reportedly suffers big loss - [9/14]
ABN Takeover Battle Enters Final Stages - [9/14]
US retail sales show consumer caution - [9/14]
McDonald's, Target Shares, Under Pressure From Ackman, May Rise - [9/13]
Alcatel-Lucent plunges after third warning - [9/13]
Wal-Mart's New Tack: Show 'Em the Payoff - [9/13]
Oil near record on refinery outage - [9/13]
Chiquita Expects Slight Rise in 3Q Sales - [9/12]
Bombardier Grounds Planes After Second SAS Accident - [9/12]
OPEC to Raise Crude Oil Output - [9/12]
China agrees to ban lead paint on toy exports to U.S. - [9/12]
Billionaire developer, currency trader bets on Bear Stearns - [9/11]
India leading the employment growth in Asia Pacific - [9/11]
Porsche May `Significantly' Boost Volkswagen Stake - [9/11]
Trade Deficit Narrowed in July - [9/11]
Dell adds new storage push, sees PC opportunities - [9/10]
Intel Lifts Revenue Guidance - [9/10]
Philips Raises Margin Target, Says Profit to Double - [9/10]
Japan Says Economy Contracted in 2Q - [9/10]
U.K. investor Lewis has 7% Bear Stearns stake - [9/10]
Beazer Shares Fall After Receiving Default Notices - [9/07]
PepsiCo. to launch new noncarbonated drinks - [9/07]
Delphi reaches settlement with GM - [9/07]
Merck wins large court victory in U.S. - [9/07]
Harley Davidson cuts production - [9/07]
Countrywide Drops Below Bank of America's Deal Price - [9/06]
Boeing forced to postpone first flight of the Dreamliner - [9/06]
Retailers score high grades on August sales - [9/06]
Chrysler swipes exec from Toyota - [9/06]
Apple iPhone Owners Outraged by Huge Price Cut - [9/06]
Yahoo snaps up BlueLithium in $300m deal - [9/05]
Toyota on target to overtake GM in global vehicle output in 2007 - [9/05]
Kraft Foods Boosts Full-Year View - [9/05]
Yahoo May Attract Microsoft Bid, Bear Stearns Says - [9/04]
Global Chip Sales Edge Higher - [9/04]
Sony Ericsson boss steps down - [9/04]
Thornburg Completes $1.4 Billion Financing of Loans - [9/04]
Gaz de France and Suez slip as merger controversy intensifies - [9/04]

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